A Wednesday post? An on time, scheduled post? It’s been a long time hasn’t it?
I spent my last day of winter vacation making this collar. I used a tutorial on Casey’s blog. Quick and easy.
Remarkably Askew
A Wednesday post? An on time, scheduled post? It’s been a long time hasn’t it?
I spent my last day of winter vacation making this collar. I used a tutorial on Casey’s blog. Quick and easy.
I am not feeling inspired with my posts.
My favorite picture ever:
I promise you that whenever I see this picture I will grin. No matter the time or the place.
And I got my permit!
It sure has been a while since I last posted. This week has been busy. A lot of studying, testing, and stress. There was a lot of fun too, but as I’m in the studying mode I can’t think of anything else.
Friday and Saturday were my days off. I did no homework and it was great. I sketched, put up Christmas decorations, we got our tree, and relaxed. But as the day dragged on, I got more and more stressed about the amount of homework I needed to do, and the lack of days I had to do it. So I made a schedule.
I have it all planned out on a piece of paper. Get up at 6:45, get dressed eat breakfast. 7:00-8:00, read chapter 19 for history. 8:00-8:10, break, eat, get dressed, get set up. 8:10-9:00, do chapter 19 online homework. 9:00-9:10, break, computer, get set up for math. Etcetera, etcetera, you get the gist. I live for these 10 minute breaks. So far I’ve been spending the little time I have on this post, typing as much as I can before the 10 minute mark is up.
And I’m listening to Mozart at high volume on repeat to stay focused. After going through my playlist at least a half-dozen times, it’s starting to lose it’s effect.
DONE! I’ve reviewed chapters 1-4 and I’m ready for my final Tuesday/Thursday! I still have to make flashcards, and memorize them, and do a few practice problems, but I can do that tonight.
On another note, here’s some necklaces a made a little while ago. I could make these all day. But I don’t because making these necklaces is a very long process. First, whenever I find a shell or rock on vacation I save it. And it sits in my suitcase or coat pocket for months until I find it and set it on my dresser. It remains on my dresser until I get a burst of inspiration and turn it into a pendant using wire. And back onto the dresser it goes because I don’t have a chain for it.
Here are the lucky few that made it through the last obstacle.
I might get back to my regular schedule of posting 2X weekly by Wednesday, maybe. You can count on it by winter break though.
Still excited about Thoroughly Modern Millie.
Now on the topic of glasses, I got some.
I’ve had glasses, 8th and 9th grade, but then I got contacts. I wear them daily because my old glasses didn’t have the right prescription any longer.
I wanted glasses for the afternoons and weekends, because I take my contacts out the second I get home. For the reasons (1) they irritate my eyes the longer I wear them, (2) I wear my pair of daily-wear contacts for up to a full week. I know, it’s not a good thing, but they’re only worn for six hours every day. And (3) because I don’t like having to put them in on the weekends because I am mostly in the house.
I can see clearly now my glasses are on.
I can see all the obstacles far away-ay.
I can see clearly now my glasses are on.
It’s gonna be a clear, clear clear, clear cle-e-ar da-a-ay!
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