Pull Tabs

It’s Thanksgiving Break. I am so happy.

smile (12)

Just a little note. I got this mug at goodwill last weekend for a dollar. I love it. It’s a lovely chocolate brown. Perfect.

smile (14)

Do you know of pull tab posters? They’re those posters tacked up on grocery store bulletin boards advertising dog walking or lawn mowing.

I made two posters and taped one up at school Wednesday. The idea came from the internet, I don’t remember where, it was a long time ago. But I taped one of the two up Wednesday morning. I watched people walk past it and not even look up until the bell rung. After 4th period it was gone, the whole thing. The only carnage was the tape left on the wall.

I was so mad. Why would one angry person end the whole poster? I was so excited to see the empty tabs, but I didn’t get to. Was everyone in a really bad mood? Did no one like this? I realize that my classmates could’ve taken the tabs before it was pulled off the wall. And what I finally came to believe was that all the tabs went quickly, and once the only thing left was the “Take a Smile” poster, a student just took whole poster.

Smile! (2)

Even though I was a little disappointed in the last poster, Thursday night I made another set.


These were a success. One was taken down, but the other had all it’s tabs pulled of by the end of the day. This is what I wanted to happen.

Just a little poster to put a little shine in the day.


Lots of sketchbook action with last 4 day weekend.


Flipped to the CMAs for a few minutes when Taylor Swift was performing. Mom commented positively on how she was wearing a crew neck sweater sitting on a couch, as opposed to the other juiced up flames, confetti, and firework filled performances.




The thing about working with markers is that once you draw a line it is there for good. Hence, this chin.


I love this. Except for the gigantic red square.


New way to draw the mouth. And the nose is new too.






I really love this drawing. I’m glad I stopped and didn’t draw the rest of the head. Every feature turned out great.


I love this one too. There is detail in the eyes, lips, and boa, that I usually don’t include on a marker drawing.


And here’s the picture. It was fun doing the two drawings from the magazines. I liked seeing how the drawings looked so similar to the picture but so different. I will do more. Happy Wednesday!


I worked on these last weekend. They’re a lot of fun, I draw the person, and add their environment, and once I have that I look at what I have and come up with a funny story related to their facial expression or environment.

Broken Arm


The writings small on this one, it says:

“She’s begun to feel beautiful again. The first time since the amputation.”

And by amputation I mean her arm. And if you were wondering, she’s standing in front of a lamp store.

Comic inspiration

This one says:

“After leaving the beauty salon, she instantly regretted bring a cartoon as an inspirational photo.”

I was really stuck on the background, once I had her on stairs I was stuck.


This is my favorite story:

“Reaching into her bag, Becky looked at the dozing security guard. She grabbed he darts, her ex wasn’t gonna be the center of attention, in an art gallery of all things. Especially when she was the one who broke up with him anyways.”

Orange Face


What spurred this whole thing was me learning to draw people, the basic figure anyways. I haven’t mastered it, but I like that I get a different shape each time, it mixes up my drawings.

Homecoming 2011

Ashley asked me to make the crowns for the homecoming queen and king. They had to look silver and they couldn’t look cheap, and I had to get them to her by Thursday. She asked me Friday night and the next Saturday, Dad got an urge to purge, but instead of cleaning the house, he pruned the wisteria. Yardwork (2)

I wish I had a before picture, this tree was overgrown, it was gorgeous though, the wall of leaves was thick, green and soft.

Yardwork (3)

If I remember right, the trunk of the tree has initials carved into it. Whoever carved them in carved them in a long time ago because it would have to be before we moved here 16 years ago.

Yardwork (14)

The pile is mostly made up of ivy, which was covering our chimney and windows. And we had another pile as big as this in front of the house too!


Yardwork (18)

Yardwork (20)


Yardwork (23)



Fast forward 4 days after they sat on the kitchen table and dried, and after that, I spray painted them silver.


Laurels (3)

Laurels (5)

King and Queen wore them during the assembly, both were wearing hats so they didn’t stay on very well, and they got taken off during the pumpkin relay. But I didn’t care, I had originally thought they were for the junior prince and princess, I had misread the text, and I was so excited that the king and queen wore them! And we won our homecoming game yesterday night! It was wet, cold, and fun!

Yarn Eyeball and Ping Pong Head Lady

An excerpt from out Halloween decor. This is a new vignette, we usually pack away this lady with the rest of our normal decorations, but Mary and I, who did the decorations this year, kept it out. And the eyeball is in the place of an old watch head. I made the eyeball while waiting to be picked up from a friend. I wrapped white yard around a paper ball and Sharpied the iris and pupil.


Mary and I considered how well this statues head would work for a ping-pong paddle.