Pull Tabs

It’s Thanksgiving Break. I am so happy.

smile (12)

Just a little note. I got this mug at goodwill last weekend for a dollar. I love it. It’s a lovely chocolate brown. Perfect.

smile (14)

Do you know of pull tab posters? They’re those posters tacked up on grocery store bulletin boards advertising dog walking or lawn mowing.

I made two posters and taped one up at school Wednesday. The idea came from the internet, I don’t remember where, it was a long time ago. But I taped one of the two up Wednesday morning. I watched people walk past it and not even look up until the bell rung. After 4th period it was gone, the whole thing. The only carnage was the tape left on the wall.

I was so mad. Why would one angry person end the whole poster? I was so excited to see the empty tabs, but I didn’t get to. Was everyone in a really bad mood? Did no one like this? I realize that my classmates could’ve taken the tabs before it was pulled off the wall. And what I finally came to believe was that all the tabs went quickly, and once the only thing left was the “Take a Smile” poster, a student just took whole poster.

Smile! (2)

Even though I was a little disappointed in the last poster, Thursday night I made another set.


These were a success. One was taken down, but the other had all it’s tabs pulled of by the end of the day. This is what I wanted to happen.

Just a little poster to put a little shine in the day.

Homecoming 2011

Ashley asked me to make the crowns for the homecoming queen and king. They had to look silver and they couldn’t look cheap, and I had to get them to her by Thursday. She asked me Friday night and the next Saturday, Dad got an urge to purge, but instead of cleaning the house, he pruned the wisteria. Yardwork (2)

I wish I had a before picture, this tree was overgrown, it was gorgeous though, the wall of leaves was thick, green and soft.

Yardwork (3)

If I remember right, the trunk of the tree has initials carved into it. Whoever carved them in carved them in a long time ago because it would have to be before we moved here 16 years ago.

Yardwork (14)

The pile is mostly made up of ivy, which was covering our chimney and windows. And we had another pile as big as this in front of the house too!


Yardwork (18)

Yardwork (20)


Yardwork (23)



Fast forward 4 days after they sat on the kitchen table and dried, and after that, I spray painted them silver.


Laurels (3)

Laurels (5)

King and Queen wore them during the assembly, both were wearing hats so they didn’t stay on very well, and they got taken off during the pumpkin relay. But I didn’t care, I had originally thought they were for the junior prince and princess, I had misread the text, and I was so excited that the king and queen wore them! And we won our homecoming game yesterday night! It was wet, cold, and fun!


Instead of writing this mornings post last night, I was teaching myself calculus. I’m postponing the salvation army post until Saturday.


I Bag You

Let’s start with my old bag. Purchased off EBay from China for maybe 12$. It was great for the first month, than the hardware started breaking. I dealt with it until it became unbearable, then I jerry-rigged it by I wrapping a pipe cleaner around the two D rings on one side and a using a huge key ring on the other.

oldBAG (1)

oldBAG (4)

It worked, but eventually the pipe cleaners’ wire popped out and snagged my sweaters, and the rings’ pivot would get caught in my hair. So recently I covered them in duct tape. Not brown, black, or some other neutral, but blue!

oldBAG (2)

It was broken AND none of my things fit in it. I had been looking for a new bag for a long time. My requirements were: a shoulder strap, strong hardware and big enough to hold my things.

oldBAG (3)

Yesterday I took a trip to the Salvation Army with my mom, I found some good stuff, I’ll show them on Wednesday. But on the next block was a Goodwill, so we stopped in there and looked around, the bag section was chaotic. Suitcases were thrown onto the shelves and a lot of them sat in the middle of the aisle. I contemplated getting a briefcase, but I knew I wouldn’t, it was fun to pretend though. We skimmed the store and sitting by the end of a Halloween isle was this bag!

newBAG (3)

It’s a Blue Carry-On Samsonite bag. I’ve seen them before and considered them, but they haven’t been in the greatest condition. All this needs is a good vacuum job in the pockets.

newBAG (1)

But most importantly, it fits all my stuff, easily! And it was only 7 dollars.

Red Cross

But more like blue cross.

Clubs are starting their meetings this time of year. I went to a Red Cross Club meeting two weeks ago and got a registration sheet handed to me, but I wasn’t there to be in the club, so I started doodling. I had been in the club for freshmen and sophomore year and every time, I had to quit the club once softball conditioning or practice took up my afterschool hours. And I wasn’t very involved, and it was a new club, so we didn’t do much.


But I was there to vote for my friend, who was running for VP. So I took the registration sheet and started working on it during the transition time.

I quickly started with the red cross shape on the back of the sheet. I filled it first with band aids, and then medicine. Medicine was fun to draw and I kept adding different types of pills, but it got to be a challenge to come up with different shapes. And as the cross started filling up I decided to turn it into a medicine bottle, it has the measurements going down the side, the lid, and the label, which decoratively shows a bunch of crosses. I really like it, it was fun because normally when I doodle, it’s a scratch in the margins of my paper, but with this I actually thought about what I was doing and created something presentable. But having to wait 15 minutes for the bus afterwards helps that thinking process work it’s way through.