Who: Me
What: 2 new patterns
Where: From Joann’s
And: SHOUTOUT to Margaret and Samantha, thanks for the Joann’s gift cards! This is what they were redeemed for:
I cannot wait to start these.
Remarkably Askew
Who: Me
What: 2 new patterns
Where: From Joann’s
And: SHOUTOUT to Margaret and Samantha, thanks for the Joann’s gift cards! This is what they were redeemed for:
I cannot wait to start these.
Finals week is over.
I’ve got lots of pictures.
Who: Mary and I
What: Spray painting trophies.
When: A few weeks ago
Where: The deck
How: We covered the nameplate with masking tape and then sprayed them.
And: An easy, satisfying project. I saw pictures of someone doing this with black spray paint for Halloween and covering the nameplates with ‘Creepiest’, ‘Bloodiest’, etc.etc.etc. I liked the idea because it would unify the miss-mash of a trophy collection we have.
This is also when I got grounded. I got paint on the camera and wouldn’t apologize. Oops.
Zah Grr8 Gatzbee iz awr reding matery-yal en englosh.
And we needed to make a notebook. We could use a composition notebook and decorate it, (shoutout to Niki and her weaving skills!) or make a real live book. I had been hankering to bind a book, so I left my homework in my bag and worked on this instead.
Since I’ve been grounded from the camera until tomorrow, I got creative with photo booth.
Don’t let comparison steal your joy.
I’m grounded from the camera until Monday(tomorrow).
This post:
Life as an Artistpreneur | Living an Unbalanced, Inspired Life: Coffee Cup Chats | 100 No’s.
is very inspiring. I will be making my 100 No’s soon.
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